Chicago school #4! One of the first things visitors to Northwestern University see is the sailing center, situated directly outside the Segal Visitors Center on the shore of Lake Michigan. It's a great way to lure potential students :) Of course, it's not like students need to be lured to Northwestern. The university offers more than any student could possibly explore - 4300 courses, 500+ student organizations, 19 varsity sports teams, $3.5 million dedicated to undergraduate research, traditions like Dillo Day (the largest student-run music festival in the nation) and WAAMU (original musical produced annually by more than 200 students), and world renowned programs in the performing arts, business, and journalism. It's no wonder the unofficial university motto is "And is in our DNA!"
The university is comprised of 6 schools: Arts & Sciences; Communication; Engineering; Education and Social Policy; Journalism, Media & Integrated Marketing Communications; and Bienen School of Music (conservatory program). 8000 undergraduates from 75 countries enjoy a 7:1 student to faculty ratio, which ensures that 77% of courses have fewer than 20 students. Students tend to follow the Rule of 3: double major and minor’ major and two minors; major, minor and certificate - a plethora of possibilities with over 100 majors, minors, and certificates offered.
Here are some interesting facts about Northwestern:
• Birthplace of audiology, with both an undergraduate major in communications sciences & disorders and an audiology clinic on campus
• Business institutions is one of the most popular minors
• The most popular class is Intro to Russian Literature, taught by the world’s foremost expert who acts out scenes from War and Peace
• Design Thinking & Communication immediately puts students to work on real design problems submitted by individuals, non-profits, entrepreneurs, and industry members.
• The Circumnavigators Grant provides funding for a student to do research on 3 different continents in 5 different countries
• The theatre major has a cap, and they hit it every year. Students must indicate on their applications that they want to major in theatre because it's virtually impossible to transfer into the program.
• Northwestern is rated the #1 a cappella school in the country
• Alumni are called the Purple Mafia
• The university’s name comes from its location. When founded in 1851, the university was located in what was then the northwest part of the US.
If you are thinking about applying, know they care about demonstrated interest during the admissions process, so go visit - and go Wildcats!